Word from all over Europe

Partner journals and authors on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

A diary from the front, a Syrian scenario for Putin, and opportunities to help: here’s a review of what editors and authors of the Eurozine network have to say about Ukraine.

This article is being updated as new articles come in.

From our partners

‘Should we go on fighting for a different identity for Russia, and how? Can we devise a language for public discourse on crimes committed by the state?’ Russian theoretical giant New Literary Observer calls for unity and solidarity, making the case to continue the quest for a comprehensive understanding of the post-Soviet space.

‘We would prefer to talk about art and literature, but right now we are asking for solidarity. Overcome fear, close the skies above Ukraine, save those who may tomorrow join the ranks of the killed and wounded.’ The appeal of the editors of the Ukrainian partner journal Prostory.
Call for solidarity with Ukraine! Statement and call from Karl Schlögel, Gerd Koenen, Claus Leggewie, Katharina Raabe, Manfred Sapper, Ulrich Schreiber, Wolfgang Klotz on Osteuropa

Yevgenia Belorusets, editor of Ukrainian partner journal Prostory, is publishing a diary (Tagesbuch) in Der Spiegel.

Polish journal New Eastern Europe has published a selection of organizations and causes to support.

Russia is ready for a Syrian scenario: interview with Volker Weichsel, the editor of the German journal Osteuropa.

For a free Ukraine! A statement from the editorial committee of the French journal Esprit.

Claire Potter, editor of Public Seminar and historian at the New School for Social Research, is publishing regularly on Ukraine in her Substack ‘Political Junkie’. This article refers to the fruitless debate about the sanity of Donald Trump to argue that speculating on Putin’s mental health misses the point about the political system he presides over. Well worth a read!

From our collaborators

Timothy Snyder points out the difference between atrocity and autocratic propaganda on the IWM’s Ukraine blog.

Philipp Ther says Austria has to abandon its neutral status in an interview with Kleine Zeitung.

Ivan Krastev says the past thirty years of relative peace in Europe was a squandered opportunity.

Debates on Europe discuss the war from Georgian, Russian and Ukrainian perspectives.

How to help Ukrainian people now? (Austria)

40 million people in Ukraine need your help and support. The human catastrophe has begun to unfold and we all must help those who are facing huge problems at the moment.

Here are several simple ways to help.

From Creative Europe

European Culture of Solidarity Ukraine edition

The special Ukraine edition of the European Culture of Solidarity Fund is now open for considering cultural emergency requests and joint European actions to stand with Ukraine. This edition of the Fund will specifically, support European cultural initiatives. Find the call and the statement here

Via European Theatre Convention: International Cultural Collaboration with UKRAINE Must Be Supported By World Leaders. SIGN THE OPEN LETTER: European artists and cultural organisations are urging world leaders to support civil society so that we can continue active collaboration with Ukraine

This article is being updated as new content comes in.

Published 2 March 2022
Original in English
First published by Eurozine

© Eurozine

May That Nuclear War Be Cursed!, 1978 by Maria Primachenko Credit: Maria Primachenko, Fair Use via Wikiart

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