Hybrid event: The role of illiberalism in shaping European debates

Eurozine and partner journal New Eastern Europe are inviting you to a hybrid event: Join us online or in-person to engage in a stimulating dialogue and gain valuable insights into the intricate interplay between illiberalism and the fate of democracy.
Friday, 16 June 2023, 18:00-19:30 (CET)
Location: Spółdzielnia Ogniwo, Smolki 11a, 30-513 Kraków
Online: Streaming link will be posted on this page and here.
This panel discussion will delve into the impact of illiberalism on shaping and influencing European debates: Illiberalism, which undermines democratic principles and institutions, has been on the rise in Europe in recent years. It has created a new set of challenges for policymakers and civil society groups as they navigate complex debates around issues such as immigration, multiculturalism, and human rights. Moreover, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has highlighted how external actors can exacerbate this trend and manipulate societies towards anti-democratic moods.
As editors, journalists and cultural activists, the speakers will discuss how European debates and politics are affected by illiberal and populist discourse and what it means for the future of democracy.
Welcoming remarks: Adam Reichardt (New Eastern Europe)/ Agata Gontarczyk (Heinrich Böll Foundation Warsaw Office)
Speakers: Réka Kinga Papp (Hungary), Luka Lisjak Gabrijelčič (Slovenia), Bartek Panek (Poland), Eugen Stancu (Romania)
Moderator: Elodie Thevenin, (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
The event is public and it is organized in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw.


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