Erzsébet Barát

is Associate Professor in the Department of English, at the University of Szeged and since 2000 Recurring Visiting Professor at CEU. She holds a PhD in Linguistics from the Social Sciences Faculty, Lancaster University, UK. Her research interests include feminist critical theory, relational models of identity, and the relationship between language, power and ideology. She is founding Editor-in-Chief of the Hungarian journal TNTeF: Interdisciplinary Electronic Journal of Gender Studies.


Cover for: Gender craze

Gender craze

Revoking the MA in gender studies in Hungary and right-wing populist rhetoric

The Orbán regime’s ‘war on gender’ and scapegoating of scholarly dissent rely on long-lasting popular animosity toward independent intellectuals. Unfortunate patters of academic withdrawal, dating back to state socialist times, make it even harder to resist populist pressure.

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