31st European Meeting of Cultural Journals

A threefold event

The 31st European Meeting of Cultural Journals has been replanned in many iterations and finally is held in three separate parts.

The first part was held on 14 November 2020 in Budapest and in a live stream, with two panel discussions with journalists, artists, academics and students who discussed their professional struggles in the pandemic, the political pressure they face in central and eastern Europe, and their expectations in professions under duress.

Our partners were ELTE Média and the Center for Media, Data and Society at Democracy Institute of Central European University (CEU CMDS). Our media partners are Partizán and Klubrádió.

You can watch or listen to the conversations and find more details here.


14 November 2020, broadcast from Budapest, Hungary

Panel I: 17:00–18:30

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Journalism students of ELTE Média discuss their professional future in a country where independent media has been smashed to pieces and where the vast majority of journalism has been done away with.

Flóra Dóra Csatári, Telex, formerly Index, ELTE Média
Dávid Malatinszky, Magyar Hang, ELTE Média
Kamilla Strausz, #kommlab, Corvinus University
Anna Szilágyi, ELTE Média

Dóra Laborczi, Nők Lapja

Panel II: 19:00–21:00

How to deal with political pressure

Against the backdrop of the recent attacks on Index.hu, journalists, academics and artists discuss their experiences of dealing with political pressure.

Speakers present varying models of individual and institutional response to political interference in their work as journalists, academics and artists. A debate about tactics and professional standards.

Lukáš Fila,CEO of Denník N from Slovakia
András Földes, reporter for Telex.hu, formerly Index.hu
Anna Lengyel, dramaturg and literary translator, doctoral student and guest lecturer at the Budapest University of Theatre and Film (SZFE); organizer of the 2019 December demonstration of theatres
Boris Vezjak, philosopher from Slovenia

Réka Kinga Papp, Eurozine

Launching the Legacy

The second part was the dual book launch of The Legacy of Division: East and West after 1989. Eurozine’s new anthology, based on the identical focal point, is now published in English and Slovenian.The live streamed discussion with editors and authors of the volume, took place on 25 May, 2021 at 9:30 CET.

Find the recording and more information here.

#EMCJ31: Watch your mouth in July!

Editors from the Eurozine network have finally met in a hybrid format, in-person in local hubs and online from their own homes on 2 July 2021, closing the evening with a new panel discussion that’s open for the general public in a live stream.

The daytime programme was reserved for network members: in-person participants had the chance to engage with their peers, online participants worked in a webinar format before returning to the coordinated stream to discuss their experiences, messages, feedback and future plans.

The three localities were:

Vienna, hosted by Eurozine and dérive;
Wrocław, hosted by New Eastern Europe;
Berlin, hosted by Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik;

The internal workshops focussed on the network’s needs and cooperation among partners. The evening culminated in a public stream of a panel discussion of three journalists and writers, addressing adverse working conditions and the questions of professional integrity under political pressure.

2 July 2021  

10:00 – 15:30 Internal workshops (for invited participants only)

17:00–19:10 – broadcast from Vienna, Austria

17:00 Network Introductions & Welcome Address
by Sophie-Caroline Wagner, managing director and Réka Kinga Papp, editor-in-chief, Eurozine

17:30-17:40 The Legacy of Division book launch (Slovenian & English version)
Moderator: Adam Reichardt, New Eastern Europe

17:40–19:10 Journalism under duress panel discussion &
LIVE Q&A, live stream from 18:40

Turkish writer Ece Temelkuran joined us from Croatia, Russian journalist and editor Irina Borogan from London, and former head of the Hungarian public broadcast Kossuth Rádió György Kerényi from his hometown of Budapest. Moderator, Réka Kinga Papp, editor-in-chief of Eurozine

The events are co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union



In cooperation with ERSTE Foundation


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