Angelina Kariakina

Head of the Newsroom at Suspilne, the Ukrainian public service broadcaster. Formerly editor-in-chief at the independent media project Hromadske TV ( / In July 2017, she was a guest of the Ukraine in European Dialogue programme at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna.


Cover for: Energy and existence

Energy and existence

PEN Ukraine conversations

With Russia closing its gas pipeline to Europe, predicted economic downturns have hit the markets. Skyrocketing energy bills mean production cuts and job losses, as well as a cold winter ahead. With a feared backlash to the Ukrainian cause, discussion between frontline war journalists contextualizes Russia’s power-play tactics.

Cover for: Preparing for an apocalypse

Preparing for an apocalypse

A manual from Ukraine

Ukrainians struggle to make their own voices heard over the geopolitical brinkmanship. Blitzkrieg tropes abound in international media coverage, but the people whose lives and livelihoods are at stake want to decide for themselves.

Cover for: Security over liberty?

Security over liberty?

The double threat to Ukrainian democracy

Five years after the revolution at Maidan, Ukraine faces a very limited choice: either giving in to Russian aggression or tolerating domestic corruption. Martial law was recently imposed after Russia blocked the Azov Sea, yet official reasons for the state of emergency seem to disguise political power play.

Cover for: No joke: Ukraine’s grassroots public-service broadcaster

Ukrainian media are forced to choose between ‘patriotic’ journalism and impartiality. Angelina Kariakina explains why having a public-service broadcaster can be a game-changer in Ukraine’s fight against Russian military aggression and ongoing corruption.

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