Raluca Besliu

Writes on Romanian and Eastern European affairs, human rights issues and global governance. Originally from Romania, she is based in Belgium. @Raluca_Besliu


Cover for: Protecting nature, empowering people

Protecting nature, empowering people

Environmental protests in the Balkans

The success of recent protests against extractivism and ecosystem degradation in Serbia and Albania highlights the potential for democratic reinvigoration around ecological issues in south east Europe. But the EU has yet to prove it can act as a credible partner in this process.

Cover for: An effervescent wave

An effervescent wave

Romanian protests and political change

Standing up for your country’s social and ecological wellbeing can be a desperately meaningful undertaking when deep-seated corruption lies behind the struggle: the exodus of many Romanian protesters attests to the high personal risks that have compounded solidarity both at home and abroad over decades of action.

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