Jo Littler

Reader in the Centre for Culture and Creative Industries and Director of Research in the Department of Sociology and associate editor of Eurozine partner journal Soundings.


Cover for: Where the fires are

Where the fires are

An interview with Wendy Brown

Wendy Brown discusses Trump and ‘libertarian authoritarianism’, #MeToo and neoliberal feminism. She argues that, in the contemporary moment, we need ‘grit, responsibility and determination instead of hope’.

Cover for: An astonishing time of great boldness

An astonishing time of great boldness

On the politics of recognition and redistribution

Ideas tended to flow easily between the university and the movement during the era of second-wave feminism. But as feminism became academicized, the flow was disrupted. Nonetheless, says Nancy Fraser, given the hunger for new thinking in all arenas after the 2008 crash, this is changing once again.

Cover for: The media and climate change

The entry of climate change into the media mainstream, as welcome as it is, nevertheless brings new problems. Journalists, campaigners and scientists discuss the implications of demand-led reporting, the exploitation of public misunderstanding, and the dangers of focusing on “charismatic megafauna”.

Read in Journals

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