Camille Robcis

is an associate professor of history at Cornell University. She is the author of The Law of Kinship: Anthropology, Psychoanalysis, and the Family in Twentieth-Century France (Cornell University Press, 2013) as well as numerous articles on Republicanism, sexual politics and law published in The Journal of Modern History, Social Text, Jacobin, Constellations and elsewhere. She is currently working on a history of institutional psychotherapy and the psychiatric reform movement born in France after World War II.


French Protesters with banner for same-sex marriage

Universalist politics and its crises

A conversation with Camille Robcis

Human emancipation was always a more complex issue than it might at first seem, and never more so than in today’s France. Historian Camille Robcis discusses the evolution of French Republicanism since the 1980s in relation to controversies over same-sex marriage, integration and racism.

Read in Journals

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