Katarina Luketić

Writer, literary critic, literary theorist and editor. Author of Balkan: From Geography to Fantasy (2013), the first Croatian study of ‘Balkanism’. Currently working on a new book, entitled: Facing Literary History: Nationalism in the Literature and Culture in Croatia from mid-1980 to mid-1990. Co-founder and editor in chief of Zarez, the independent cultural newspaper. Co-founder and editor of Pelago, a small independent publishing house specializing in literature, cultural theory, cultural history and contemporary literature.


Cover for: Between poetry and politics

Danilo Kiš famously observed that the western bracketing of Balkan literature as narrowly ‘political’ rested on a set of mutually reinforcing stereotypes. Today, following Kiš, Balkan novelists are challenging received wisdom and integrating the political and the poetic in surprising new ways, writes Katarina Luketić.

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