Maximilian Probst

is an editor at Die ZEIT, former editor at taz nord (die tageszeitung) and a regular contributor to a book series on philosophy (with titles on cycling and gardening among other topics) published in hardback by Mairisch and in paperback by Suhrkamp. His book Verbindlichkeit: Plädoyer für eine unzeitgemäße Tugend (‘Commitment: In defence of an old-fashioned virtue’) was published by Rowohlt in 2016.


Cover for: The seven deadly sins of journalism

Climate change is the biggest story ever – and yet the media do not do it justice. To blame are a number of journalistic vices, from misinterpretation of the principle of neutrality to a failure to contextualize; from slavishness to conventional media formats to a tendency to individualize the problem. A new climate politics starts by resetting the media agenda.

Read in Journals

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