Masatake Shinohara

Associate professor at Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University. His publications include Kokyo Kukan no Seiji Riron [Political theory of public space] (Jimbun Shoin, 2007), Kukan no tame ni: Henzaika suru Suramuteki Shakai no Nakade [For spaces: In omnipresent slum-like world] (Ibunsha, 2011), Zen-Seikatsuron: Tenkeiki no Kokyo Kukan [An essay on the conception of whole-life: public space in transformation] (Ibunsha, 2012), and Ikirareta Nyu Taun: Mirai Kukan no Tetsugaku [On the lived New Town: philosophy of future space] (Seidosha, 2015).


Cover for: To be alive in a disrupted world

Natural disasters dissolve the fundamental distinction between the human and the natural worlds. At this moment, we discover that we are surrounded by silence. On art and philosophy amidst ecological crisis.

Read in Journals

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