Krzysztof Michalski

(1948–2013) was the founder and rector of the Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, and taught philosophy at Boston University and the University of Warsaw. His publications include Plomienn Wiecznossci. Eseje o myslach Fryderyka Nietzschego (Krakow 2007), published in English as The Flame of Eternity. An Interpretation of Nietzsche’s Thought (Princeton 2012), and Woran glaubt Europa? Religion und politische Kultur im neuen Europa [What does Europe believe in? Religion and political culture in the new Europe], (ed., Vienna 2007).


Cover for: The quietness of death

In moments of crisis, reflecting on loss can be especially hard. Philosopher Krzysztof Michalski’s meditation on an unexpected death lends gravitas to universal questions of belief, awareness and fear in times of transition.

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