Piotr Krupiński

Piotr Krupiński is a post-doctoral literary scholar and an employee of the Institute of Polish Philology, Cultural Studies and Journalism at the University of Szczecin. He is an editor for the annual journal Narrations of the Shoah. His academic research includes the study of literary records on liminal experience, and writing on zoophilology (sometimes the two topics intersect). He has recently published a monograph entitled ‘Why Did the Geese Cry?’: Animals and the Holocaust in Polish Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries, 2016 (‘Dlaczego gęsi krzyczały?’: Zwierzęta i Zagłada w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku).


Cover for: The body and the meat-grinder

The body and the meat-grinder

Cultural representations of war disablement

For the physically disabled, curiosity and passing glances can seem to stigmatize and mark out. Is our gaze yet another tool of oppression? Can we find words for injury that do not wound the injured? Do texts and images help? Piotr Krupiński calls for more voices to be heard.

Read in Journals

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