Victor Martinovich

Associate professor at the European Humanities University in Vilnius. He holds a PhD in history of fine arts. He is author of five novels, sold in Belarus, Russia, the US, Finland and Germany.



‘Nowadays I often cry’

An interview with Victor Martinovich

Physical violence and political repression continue to torment Belarusian streets. Ongoing activism incurs a heavy, emotional toll. Could solace and stamina be found in literature, metaphysical reflections on the question of evil?

Cover for: Belarusian culture: National, European, post-Soviet

Official Belarusian culture is a relic of Soviet conservatism. Beneath the surface, however, a European movement in the arts is gathering momentum. It is only a matter of time before the new Belarusian culture reaches an international audience, writes art historian and novelist Victor Martinovich.

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