Michaël Fœssel

Professor of philosophy at the École Polytechnique and author of Nach dem Ende der Welt. Kritik der apokalyptischen Vernunft (Turia/Kant Verlag, 2019).


Cover for: What happened to Macron’s liberal revolution?

Macron’s vision of a liberal state quickly gave way to states of emergency and the organization of private life around the pandemic. Far from fading into the background, state power is omnipresent in France, boding ill for the presidential election campaign.

Cover for: Back to belief

Nietzsche’s critique of science as displaced theology echoes in reservations about epidemiologists’ political role during the pandemic. But if governments and citizens often expect from science a form of deliverance, many others are convinced that science is part of a plot to deceive us. Perhaps the problem lies not with science but belief itself?

Cover for: L'émotion souveraine

L'émotion souveraine

Une conversation avec Patrick Boucheron

Historien des passions et du pouvoir, Patrick Boucheron n’a jamais séparé son travail de chercheur de la réflexion sur le statut politique de l’histoire. Spécialiste de l’Italie au Moyen-Âge et à la Renaissance, défenseur de l'”histoire du monde”, il s’est interrogé sur le rôle des affects dans les représentations du pouvoir. À qui mieux qu’à Patrick Boucheron pouvions-nous demander ce qu’il en est de l’histoire politique de la colère et de sa signification actuelle ?

Cover for: Critique and communication: Philosophy's missions

Critique and communication: Philosophy's missions

A conversation with Jürgen Habermas

Decades after first encountering Anglo-Saxon perspectives on democracy in occupied postwar Germany, Jürgen Habermas still stands by his commitment to a critical social theory that advances the cause of human emancipation. This follows a lifetime of philosophical dialogue.

Read in Journals

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