New Eurozine partner: Czas Kultury

Polish journal Czas Kultury has joined the Eurozine network. The journal’s title means “Time of culture” – and in thirty years of publishing, the Poznan-based outlet has continuously moved with both the times and the dramatic cultural and social shifts that have shaped the public sphere.

With art historian and editor-in-chief Marek Wasilewski at the helm, Czas Kultury focuses on the arts, culture and current affairs, covering topics ranging from the latest media art to the social implications of bioscience, and from the future of higher education to perspectives on motherhood. The journal prides itself in the variety of perspectives it is able to adopt when exploring such topics, drawing on disciplines such as cultural and literary studies, philosophy, ethnology and sociology.

In addition to focusing on a major theme, each issue contains further essays as well as prose and poetry, press reviews, feuilletons and discussions of contemporary culture. The editors are currently working toward the launch of a new online English-language edition of the journal.

More on Czas Kultury, including the latest issue


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