In collaboration with


The Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET) is an institute for advanced research that takes the year 1989 as a starting point to think about social, economic, and cultural transformations in the wake of deep historical caesuras on a European and global scale. Its Transformative Blog and Transformative Podcast host scholars commenting on current affairs and discussing their cutting-edge research in the field of historical transformations.
RECET’s concept of transformation is inspired by Karl Polanyi and looks beyond the hegemonic post-1989 teleologies of marketization and democratization. This approach also allows us to take a long-durée perspective on transformations, with emphasis on the interdisciplinary connections to sociology, economics, and cultural and social anthropology. RECET follows the concept of Comparative Area Studies. Our focus on Central and Eastern Europe is enlarged by comparisons and the study of entanglements with other world regions, such as East Asia, and the co-transformation of Western countries.

Twitter/Facebook: @recetvienna
Youtube: RECET Vienna

Cover of RECET


Cover for: Freedom of movement

Freedom of movement

A European dialectic

Attitudes towards immigration are said to be split down an East–West divide, but it is western Europe that has traditionally feared ‘invasions’ from the East and that responded to EU enlargement in 2004 with restrictions on labour migration. Now that eastern and western Europe are more deeply integrated than ever before, the defining question will be how Europe negotiates immigration from outside its borders.

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Focal points

Cover for: Knowledgeable youth

"Vom Wissen der Jungen" / "Knowledgeable youth" is a collaboration between Eurozine, RECET and Viennese community radio Radio ORANGE 94.0, funded by the City of Vienna (Stadt Wien Kultur).

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