Bernd Christoph Ströhm

is a doctoral fellow in East European und Eurasian Studies at the University of Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies. His doctoral thesis is examining the dissident movement of the Soviet Union and the relationship between Soviet dissidents and the (West) German press during the Cold War period. In addition to completing his doctoral project, he works as country expert and analyst at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) and at S&P Global, with special focus on Central and Eastern Europe (CEEC).


Cover for: Far cry from Dayton

Far cry from Dayton

How fractures have widened this far in Bosnia

Germany just pressured the Kremlin-backed Serbian minority leaders to momentarily withdraw some of their separatist ambitions by threatening to cancel funding. But the federal state’s constitution codifies political segregation, and leaves minorities without representation, a structural problem whose solution Republika Srpska is actively sabotaging.

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