In collaboration with

Founded in 2005 by four Belgian and French academic publishers, offers the most comprehensive online collection of French journals in the various fields of humanities and social sciences. Its English interface, Cairn international edition, features tables of contents, abstracts and full-text articles (when available in English), as well as dossiers composed by specialized journalists, who take a look at current events through the prism of francophone scholarly publishing.

Cairn International Edition enables users to search, browse and read this content without speaking a word of French. Thousands of students, scholars and many others browse Cairn every day, with more than one million visits observed each year in non-francophone countries.

Cover of


Cover for: Public media in Algeria

Public media in Algeria

NAQD 37 (2020)

NAQD on the crisis of public sector journalism in Algeria: how disinformation and propaganda perpetuates the current system. Also: why reliance on advertising threatens public broadcasting, and the arrested development of print media.

Cover for: Enter the world of camps

Enter the world of camps

Culture & Démocratie Special issue 2019

Belgian journal Culture & Démocratie devotes a special issue to the theme of the camp and its broad range of meanings, including refugee camps, detention centres and concentration camps.

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