Ann Ighe

Lecturer in economic history and European studies at Gothenburg university, freelance writer, moderator and editor of cultural journal Ord&Bild.


Cover for: We don’t do information

We don’t do information

The cultural journal’s perspective

Ever since the 2008 crisis, cultural journals have been facing increasing financial, political and market pressures. Ann Ighe reviews the issues affecting Eurozine partner journal editors who met funding representatives on what became the eve of European COVID-19 lockdowns.

Cover for: Pro-European sentiment vs political fragmentation

Pro-European sentiment vs political fragmentation

Sweden, Romania and Spain before the EP elections

For many countries, the EP elections in May come amidst political upheavals at home. Views from Gothenburg, Bucharest and Barcelona present an image of Europe poised between widespread pro-European sentiment and domestic instability.

Cover for: Where to for #MeToo?

Where to for #MeToo?

Four writers assess the movement’s impact in the US and Europe

Following the first wave of the #MeToo movement, a new phase of reflection has set in. Here, four authors and journal editors from the US and Europe assess #MeToo’s achievements and potential, but also its limitations in changing a culture of sexual harassment.

Cover for: The legacy of 2015

The nationalist reaction to the refugee crisis of 2015 casts a shadow over the opening of the House of European History in Brussels. Will the new institution’s role be merely to display the vestiges of a common European cultural heritage?

Read in Journals

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