Gaby Zipfel

was a founding member of Eurozine’s network of editors; long-term member of the Eurozine Board of Trustees, later the Advisory Board. You can read António Sousa Ribeiro’s farewell to her.

She was the initiator of the international research group ‘Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict’; a researcher at the Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur. Previously she served as editor of Mittelweg 36, the journal of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research.


Cover for: Liberté, égalité, sexualité

Despite ’60s slogans, making love does not stop one from making war. On the contrary: violence and sexuality are intertwined in dominant masculinity, and the hurt this causes is often denied and unaccounted for. How should we interpret the ambiguous links between lust and hostility?

"Beyond good and evil for once!"

"Authorized transgressions" and women in wartime

What exactly were the implications of World War I for the gender hierarchy of the western world? Gaby Zipfel argues for frank, not to mention long overdue, discussion of when and how women and men encounter one other in war.

Gaby Zipfel, editor of “Mittelweg 36” and pioneer of Eurozine, came to the European Meeting of European Cultural Journals in 1992 expecting to be the only woman among seasoned male professionals. And so she was – but that didn’t matter.

Cover for: ‘Blood, sperm and tears’

‘Blood, sperm and tears’

Sexual violence in war

The societal condemnation of sexual crimes as a war-time practice is slowly growing as the victims raise the courage to speak out.

Read in Journals

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