Working Group on Periodicals Research

The Working Group on Periodical Studies (Arbeitskreis Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenforschung) brings together about thirty (as of now mostly German-speaking) scholars working on the history, function and aesthetics of cultural and scientific journals. Participants come from various fields of the humanities and convene once a year (2017 in Berlin, 2018 in Essen, 2019 in Zürich). The Working Group is co-hosted by the Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), Berlin and the Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI), Essen.


Cover for: Worlds of cultural journals: Editorial

Cultural journals have played a crucial role in the formation of the public spheres in Europe and beyond. Yet their future form and sustainability is by no means clear. Looking at journals’ history helps understand where they are headed. Introducing a new Eurozine focal point in collaboration with the Working Group on Periodicals Research.

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