Comprendre (PAST JOURNAL)

Comprendre was a member of the Eurozine network from November 2010 to March 2015.

Founded in 1950 by Umberto Campagnolo, the publication of Comprendre was restarted in 2009 thanks to the cooperation between Scripta Maneant Editions in Reggio Emilia, Italy, and the European Society of Culture.

The journal, a six-monthly publication, covers all issues of relevance to the evolution of the current economic crisis as it relates to cultural life in Europe. Philosophy, art, religion, politics, social economics and cultural traditions may provide elements of help in diagnosing the era in which we live. Specifically, the journal strives to arouse the interest of our readers in problems often neglected due to the excessively narrow nationalistic interpretation given to culture, and aims specifically to enhance the knowledge of national cultural differences and to encourage their study.

The journal is composed of three to four main parts: the first deals directly with the problems that led to the foundation of the European Society of Culture, studying them in depth and responding to them as far as possible; in the second, we publish the most important expressions of contemporary culture in the belief that their sincerity may contribute to the resolution of contradictions through the authenticity of thought and art: poetry, short stories, literary and philosophical essays, original or reproduced drawings, music, cinema, theatre, etc; the third part is devoted to scientific information whenever this, avoiding all technicalities, holds an undeniable social or human meaning and interest; and finally a news section is devoted to the most important events of our era, be they economic, political, artistic or social.

A column is reserved for cultural works considered of particular interest in accordance with the mission of the European Society of Culture, and another to the life of the society itself and the work of its members.

Contributions are published in the language best able to ensure their effective expression and diffusion (Italian, French, English, Russian, German, Spanish).

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