Jill Massino

is associate professor of history at UNC Charlotte, where she teaches courses on modern European and comparative history. Her research examines gender, citizenship, and everyday life in socialist and postsocialist Romania. She has published numerous articles and books, including Gender Politics and Everyday Life in State Socialist Eastern and Central Europe (co-edited with Shana Penn; Palgrave, 2009.) and Ambiguous Transitions: Gender, the State, and Everyday Life in Socialist and Postsocialist Romania (Berghahn Books, 2019). Her current project, ‘Cold War Collaborations’ explores Romania’s relationship with several countries in the Global South.


Cover for: ‘But this is the world we live in’

‘But this is the world we live in’

Corruption, everyday managing and civic mobilization in post-socialist Romania

The strategies that Romanians employ to negotiate the capitalist economy are much like those they used under socialism. Nepotism and bribery are seen as necessary for navigating a broken system. At the political level, however, recent anti-corruption campaigns have brought spectacular results. Jill Massino examines how the shift to a market economy and ongoing corruption have affected individuals’ civic identities, everyday practices and perceptions of the state and the EU.

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