New Eurozine partner: Genero

Genero, an annual journal on feminist theory is the latest addition to the Eurozine network: In publication since 1995, it pursues a line of an interdisciplinary, critical approach towards science and culture topics, affirms the right to difference, questions the issues of identity, and covers contributions from domestic authors as well as those from the larger region.

As feminist thought during the past 15 years has strongly developed in the Balkans, and Eastern- and Central Europe, Genero aims to reevaluate, revise, reread and rewrite the position of the Other, different and marginalized – with special regard to the Balkan region.

Genero publishes texts on difference, otherness, identity and minority issues from the Women’s and Gender Studies perspective. In doing so, Genero opens up a space also for students to publish their works and initiates and supports the voices of the young gen(d)eration.

Highlights from the current issue include a text by Judith Butler “Feminism and the question of postmodernism” and Zorica Mrsevic’s text on “Women in the law profession”.

Published 16 April 2004
Original in English

© Eurozine


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