António Sousa Ribeiro

born 1952 in Portugal, Professor for German Studies at the University of Coimbra. Director of the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. 


Cover for: A quiet visionary

A quiet visionary

In memoriam Gaby Zipfel 1951–2021

Gaby Zipfel, the former editor of the journal ‘Mittelweg 36’, was for three decades one of the driving forces behind the Eurozine network. Her vision, intellectual energy and unmatched capacity for critique will be sorely missed.

The reason of borders or a border reason?

Translation as a metaphor for our times

The field of translation studies has come a long way in the past two decades from the margins of the linguistics department to today’s central position in the field of cultural studies and critical theory. António Sousa Ribeiro traces how translation has become a fundamental and dominant metaphor for our time and how the act of translation has wider repercussions on our notions of multiculturalism, identity, and cultural practices. On the basis of this, Ribeiro sketches out how translation can provide for “mutual intelligibility without sacrificing difference in the interest of blind assimilation”.

Read in Journals

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