Maurice Bloch

is a French-British anthropologist with a Ph.D. from Cambridge, UK on the Merina, irrigated rice cultivators of Madagascar, and he has carried out field work among slush and burn agriculturalist in Madagascar – the Zafimanary. He has written important neo-marxian work on power, history, kinship, and ritual in the 1970s and 80s, including his monograph on the historical development of Merina circumcision ritual: From blessing to violence: History and ideology in the circumcision ritual of the Merina of Madagascar, 1986.


The reluctant anthropologist

An interview with Maurice Bloch

“It may well be that anthropology departments disappear, and that wouldn’t bother me very much”. “Anti-anthropologist” Maurice Bloch talks in interview about the abuse of anthropological expertise by developmental ecologists; about the contradictions of “collective memory”; and about whether anthropology can address life’s “big questions”.

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