Bilgin Ayata

is professor for political sociology at the University of Basel. She is directing the research project ‘Infrastructure Space and the Future of Migration Management: The Case of the EU Hotspots in the Mediterranean Borderscape.’


Cover for: Politics of abandonment

Politics of abandonment

Refugees on Greek islands during the coronavirus crisis

Social distancing is impossible when 1200 people share a single tap. The Greek government is using the pandemic to segregate refugees from citizens but hasn’t provided the means for prevention. If this politics of abandonment continues, grossly overcrowded camps will become death traps. The Eurozine miniseries reports from Greece.

Cover for: The limits of protection, prevention and care

The limits of protection, prevention and care

A miniseries on refugees in the COVID-19 pandemic

The European response to coronavirus so far has been focused on nation states and citizens, leaving stateless refugees without means of prevention. Overcrowded and underserved camps have posed a health hazard already before the virus. Eurozine launches a miniseries to report on refugees’ situation on the EU’s frontiers.

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