Anna Aslanyan

is a translator and journalist living in London. She is writing for the TLS, The Independent, The National and other publications. She is a contributing editor of 3:AM magazine. Her translations into Russian include fiction by Tom McCarthy, Martin Amis, Peter Ackroyd, Mavis Gallant and Zadie Smith.



Moving the goalposts

An interview with British conceptual artist and writer Stewart Home

Situationism’s journey from its Parisian origins into Anglo-Saxon culture has been littered with feuds, schisms and excommunications. Writer and conceptual artist Stewart Home recalls the history and politics of Situationism and its British pendant, psychogeography.

"Why did they need to chop down the trees?"

An interview with Mavis Gallant

As an ex patriot in Paris, Canadian novelist Mavis Gallant experienced May ’68 first hand, keeping a diary of the events that was published two decades later as Paris Notebooks. In interview with her Russian translator, she bemusedly recalls the revolutionary fervour of the day.

Read in Journals

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