Corina Apostol

is an art historian, curator and writer. She is currently a PhD candidate in art history at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, with a focus on contemporary, socially engaged art from eastern Europe and Russia. She is also the co-editor of The Long April: Texte despre arta, an arts magazine focused on the Romanian context, published online by a group of women authors.

Apostol is a co-founder of ArtLeaks, co-editor of the ArtLeaks Gazette and the main editor of the ArtLeaks online platform. She works and lives between Bucharest and New Brunswick.


ArtLeaks founders Corina Apostol and Dmitry Vilensky discuss what lies ahead for the grassroots organization, in terms of revealing and resisting the toxic symptoms of neoliberalism in the cultural sector; not to mention creating a better (art)world.

Read in Journals

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