O’r Pedwar Gwynt

O’r Pedwar Gwynt is a review of books launched in 2016, inspired by the London Review of Books to bring something of its broad intellectual scope to Welsh-language readers. Mainly comprising of essays (2,700 to 5,000 words), the aim is to always situate Welsh concerns in a wider context, whilst simultaneously debating world ideas from a Welsh perspective.

Each print issue also includes an interview (e.g. Bruno Latour, Svetlana Alexievitch, Karl Ove Knausgård, the Italian philosopher Emanuele Severino), short reviews and the following columns: The Diary of Jan Morris, The Author in his element, Reading an image, Socrates on the street, Confessions of a bookworm, The Eastern wind, Words and the Crossword.

O’r Pedwar Gwynt is an independent publication, published by a limited company based in Aberystwyth. They receive funding from the Welsh Books Council and have an ongoing partnership with Bangor University.

Website: https://pedwargwynt.cymru
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedwarGwynt
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OrPedwarGwynt
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pedwargwynt


Journal's articles

Moving home

The emotional politics of Brexit

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