Feridun Zaimoglu

(b.1964) is a writer and artist. He has received many awards for his literary and artistic work, most recently the Schleswig-Holstein Kunstpreis and the Carl Amery Literature Prize of the Verband deutscher Schriftsteller in Bavaria in 2006. His latest novel Leyla was published in February 2006 by Kiepenhauer and Witsch.


You've got to swing your hips!

A conversation with Feridun Zaimoglu

German author Feridun Zaimoglu, pioneer of the “Kanak” school of fiction (the migrant underworld described in the vernacular of its young male protagonists), has begun narrating from the Muslim woman’s perspective. In his latest novel Leyla, a Turkish woman tells about her life in Germany; while in a new work for theatre entitled Schwarze Jungfrauen (Black Virgins), young Muslim women talk openly about sex. In March 2007, Zaimoglu ruffled feathers when he gave up his place at an official conference on Muslims in Germany in protest at the non-attendance of young ordinary Muslims and criticized feminist former-Muslims for demonizing young Muslim women. With characteristic verve, he explained to Ali Fathollah-Nejad why the discourse in Germany operates double values when it comes to the questions of multiculturalism and integration.

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