Adriana Zaharijevic

is a feminist activist and scholar. She is coordinator for the Group of Social Engagement Studies at the University of Belgrade and the editor of Neko je rekao feminizam? kako je feminizam uticao na zene XXI veka [“Somebody said feminism? How feminism affected women in the 21st century”] (Sarajevski otvoreni centar/Fondacija Heinrich Böll/Fondacija Cure, 2012).


Cover for: Fantasies of feminist history in eastern Europe

Fantasies of feminist history in eastern Europe

A response to Slavenka Drakulic

Responding to Slavenka Drakulic’s recent Eurozine article on the situation of women caught up in the post-’89 transition, Kristen Ghodsee and Adriana Zaharijevic reconsider notions of “emancipation from above” and the grassroots participation of ordinary women in both the East and the West.

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