Loïs Wacquant

is Professor of Sociology and Research Associate at the University of California at Berkeley, and Researcher at the Centre de Sociologie européenne du Collège de France.
Has published numerous scholarly articles published in journals of sociology, anthropology, criminology, social theory, social policy, philosophy, and urban and cultural studies, and translated in half-a-dozen languages. Among them An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology (1992, with Pierre Bourdieu, translated in 18 languages), Prisons of Poverty (1999, translated in 13 languages), Body and Soul: Ethnographic Notebooks of an Apprentice Boxer, Los Parias Urbanos (2001,), Punir les pauvres (2002).


Bourdieu ins Feld mitnehmen

Ein Gespräch mit Loïc Wacquant

Der Soziologe Loïc Wacquant berichtet über seine Kooperation mit Pierre Bourdieu für das Buch An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology und über sein letztes Buch Body and Soul über die Preisboxer in den schwarzen Ghettos der Amerikaner.

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