Laurie Taylor

is on the editorial board of New Humanist and is a trustee of the Rationalist Association. He presents Thinking Allowed on BBC Radio 4 as well as other freelance media work. In another life he was a sociologist and he has more professorships and honorary degrees than you could shake a very large stick at.


“It’s hardly worth having a word to describe not believing in God. I don’t believe in witches, but I don’t call myself an ahexist”. At an event at the Rationalist Association in London, Laurie Taylor got up close and personal with Britain’s leading public intellectual.

David Attenborough’s wildlife documentaries have attracted massive audiences around the world, but have sometimes failed to endear themselves to academics. Laurie Taylor turns the microscope on to the man who’s brought us life on earth, in the freezer, under the oceans, and in the undergrowth.

Read in Journals

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