Christelle Taraud

is a historian who specialises in the history of women, gender, and sexuality in a colonial context. She teaches at the Parisian programmes of Columbia University, New-York University, and CUPA. She is co-author of the book Sexe, race et colonies (La Découverte, 2018)


Cover for: Sex in colonial empires and its legacy in Europe today

Sex in colonial empires and its legacy in Europe today

An interview with Christelle Taraud

Feminist historian Christelle Taraud talks about the patriarchal system for regulating prostitution in France’s colonial empire, a system made by men for men to reserve indigenous women for their own use and control the ‘unruly’ sexuality of men from honour cultures. These issues are covered in ‘Sexe, race, et colonies’ (2018), co-edited by Taraud, which has proved controversial in France for its unsettling imagery.

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