Focal Points

Read dossiers on key topics compiled and edited in collaboration with Eurozine partners.

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Cover for: Worlds of cultural journals

Cultural journals have played a crucial role in the formation of the public spheres in Europe and beyond. Looking at their history helps understand where they are headed. A Eurozine focal point in collaboration with the Working Group on Periodicals Research.

Cover for: Democracy delivered?

Digital technologies are increasingly seen as an antidote to the complaints of ‘post-democracy’. However, the impacts of digital media on democratic processes also need to be seen critically. Covering issues of digitization, disinformation and post-truth politics, this focal point, based on discussions that took place at the 28th European Meeting of Cultural Journals, asks whether internet technologies are saving democracy, or whether democracy is being delivered up to the forces of illiberalism.

Cover for: Fragmentation and solidarity in Europe

Austerity policies have contributed to social fragmentation and the rise of populist nationalism across Europe. However, alternative inter-local forms of mobilization around the commons may yet revive solidarities and keep the prospect of a common Europe alive.

Cover for: Debating Solidarity in Europe

In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, questions of inequality and solidarity have become intertwined. Over the past year, however, questions of solidarity have also been central in connection to the treatment of refugees and migrants.

Cover for: Ukraine: Beyond conflict stories

Follow the critical, informed and nuanced voices that counter the dominant discourse of crisis concerning Ukraine. A media exchange project linking Ukrainian independent media with "alternative" media in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Greece.

public sphere in the making

Accompanying the Eurozine conference 2013 in Oslo, entitled "Making a difference: Opinion, debate and activism in the public sphere", this focal point explores some of the aspects of building -- making -- a space for public exchange of opinions and worldviews. A place where anyone can make a difference.

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