Shalini Randeria

Rector of the Institute of Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna; Professor at The Graduate Institute, Geneva, where she directs the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy; and a Member of the Board of Trustees of the CEU, Budapest.




Cover for: Paradox Europa

Paradox Europa

Opening lecture, Vienna Humanities Festival 2019

Ágnes Heller transformed a troubled life: ‘I lived through terrible things. But I had to understand them. […] Philosophers do not despair.’ Shalini Randeria and Ludger Hagedorn honour her legacy on her birthday.

Cover for: Orbán’s assault on academic freedom

The legislation targeting the Central European University is part of the systematic erosion of the autonomy of Hungary’s universities. Instead of following the path paved by the CEU towards the internationalization of knowledge, the Hungarian government is committed to the nationalization and political control of science.

Cover for: Mobilizing law for solidarity

The enfranchisement of migrants can overcome the democratic deficit, however ethno-nationalism’s xenophobic understanding of the political community requires a political, not a legal solution, argues social anthropologist Shalini Randeria.

Read in Journals

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