Cecilia Parsberg

lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden. She is a visual artist who works with relational concepts, and was educated at Valand Academy of Fine Arts, Gothenburg University, Sweden, with a post-grad Diploma from Dundee University, UK. An account of her work and earlier exhibitions can be found at http://this.is/Parsberg.


Cover for: Giving in free movement Europe

The informal politics of distribution on the streets, of begging and of giving, makes visible the faults inherent in European welfare systems, writes Cecilia Parsberg. And the rules and statutes that aim to prevent poverty-stricken EU citizens from enjoying free movement add insult to injury.

Since 2003, graffiti artists worldwide have been leaving their marks on the Palestinian side of the wall being built to demarcate Palestinian and Israeli territory. Swedish artist Cecilia Parsberg visited Palestine and the wall to record the results: “It is an international multitude, a writing carpet.” In interviews with Palestinian writers, artists, and cultural workers, she asks: “Do the paintings make the wall beautiful?”; “Will the graffiti have a political impact?”; and, “Are the artists participants in a bigger movement reacting to globalization in art and society?” The answers are revealing of the wall’s significance in the Palestinian experience and the function of “network as resistance”.

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