Ruth Padel

has published twelve poetry collections, most recently Emerald (Chatto, 2018). She has also published a novel, ’Where the Serpent Lives’ (Abacus, 2010), and a memoir of tiger conservation, ’Tigers in Red Weather’ (Little Brown, 2005).The great-great grandchild of Charles Darwin, she is Professor of Poetry at King’s College London, Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and Council Member for the Zoological Society of London.


Cover for: A patch of moonlight

A patch of moonlight

Darwin's warning

Wildlife conservationists often have to risk their own safety to protect endangered species from armed gangs. The market value of Asian elephant tusks, for example, entices certain impoverished locals into poaching. And at the crux of this perilous and twisted Anthropocene reality lies an increasingly aggressive animal’s fight for survival.

Read in Journals

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