Remi Nilsen

is editor-in-chief of Le Monde diplomatique, Oslo.


Cover for: Sources of uncertain hope

Sources of uncertain hope

Czech Republic, Spain, Norway and Belgium after the EP elections

After May’s elections, Prague saw the largest public demonstration since the Velvet Revolution. The country now hosts the strongest Pirate Party in Europe, while Spain provides the largest national component in the S&D bloc. Norway may yet become Europe’s green battery, as Belgium faces a great divide.

Cover for: A perplexed neighbourhood

A perplexed neighbourhood

Western Balkans and EEA

Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia are wondering what kind of European Union they will join, if they ever do. Further north, Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein remain happy to keep their distance, even if the Brexit discussion has caused discontent with the ‘Norway option’ among the country’s Eurosceptic left.

With the growth of the financial sector, the creditor-debtor relationship has become the dominant force in society. Yet, as David Graeber has demonstrated, debt as an instrument of power has been around since time immemorial. Remi Nilsen draws conclusions for a post-crisis order.

Is there something extreme in Norwegian society? asks Remi Nilsen, editor of the Norwegian edition of Le Monde diplomatique after the tragedy in Oslo. Anders Behring Breivik’s writings are not the wild fabulations of a madman. We have heard it all before.

We need to broaden our political possibilities

Interview with Michael Hardt

“We need alternatives to the thought that our only options are either private or public ownership”, said Michael Hardt when he presented his and Antonio Negri’s forthcoming book “Common Wealth” at the European Social Forum in Malmö in September. The book elaborates on the theories set out in Empire and Multitude, focusing on the common as an alternative to capitalism and socialism.

Read in Journals

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