Eurozine News Item

Unsigned articles (News Items etc) are written by the Eurozine editors. See the about us section for more information.


Cover for: Eastern European Independent Journalist Fund

Eastern European Independent Journalist Fund

An urgent lifeline for journalists from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus

Eurozine supports the campaign for an Eastern European Independent Journalist Fund. The fund will pay for stories produced by Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian journalists who are reporting the truth on the war despite the enormous risks. This important initiative will only be funded if it reaches its goal by Sat 2 April.

After Brexit: Shock and disbelief

How the UK referendum result is being received across Europe

Will 23 June 2016 go down in history as having an equal but opposite impact to that of 9 November 1989? This is one of many questions that editors at Eurozine partner journals considered when asked for their initial responses to the Brexit decision, and its reception in their home countries.

A view from the Anna Akhmatova Literary and Memorial Museum.

St. Petersburg Debate on Europe

Anna Akhmatova Literary and Memorial Museum, 15-18 May

Russia in Europe – Russia and Europe is the title of May’s Debate on Europe, which took place at the Anna Akhmatova Literary and Memorial Museum in Saint Petersburg from 15 to 18 May. The event is intended as a platform for communication about the forms and prospects of neighbourhood between Russia and Europe today.

Cover for: The spiral of violence

The spiral of violence

After the Paris terror attacks

On Friday 13 November, Paris suffered an unprecedented set of terrorist attacks less than a year after those targeting Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket. Once again, we review the responses of Eurozine partner journals, associates and authors.

Belarus, Estonia, Russia and Ukraine: four countries whose destinies are tightly interwoven. Now the S. Fischer Foundation, the German Academy of Language and Literature, and Allianz Cultural Foundation have created a transnational platform for discussing the most pressing country-specific topics in a common European context.

The critical spirit

Eurozine partners respond to the attack on Charlie Hebdo

On Wednesday 7 January, several of our colleagues were killed in an abominable attack on the editorial offices of the magazine “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris. Meanwhile, Eurozine partners have responded in various ways.

The new European debate on laws, borders and human rights was the subject of this year’s Eurozine conference, held in Conversano from 3 to 6 October, and co-organized by La Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vagno and Eurozine partner journal Lettera internazionale.

As the EU’s response to the Snowden leaks converges with European data protection reforms, new debates on privacy emerge at the European level: and the burning issue remains that of trust. Simon Garnett rounds up the latest developments to coincide with Data Protection Day 2014.

Acclaimed novelist Ilija Trojanow was denied entry to the United States en route to the German Studies Association’s annual conference on 30 September. Could this possibly have something to do with Trojanow’s critical stance on NSA-led surveillance?

The Eurozine conference on “Changing Media – Media in Change” from 13-16 May 2011 brought fresh insights to debates on the future of journalism, intellectual property and free speech, and made one thing very clear: independent cultural journals are where reflexion and criticality combine with changing media strategies.

Contemporary European politics is a building site that makes a lot of noise but on which nothing ever gets built, said German political sociologist Claus Offe at the concluding event in Eurozine’s debate series “Europe talks to Europe”. Pessimistic yet invigorating, the discussion featured prominent intellectuals and opinion makers from western and eastern Europe.

Eurozine has been nominated for the European CIVIS Online Media Prize for integration and cultural diversity. The prize is awarded to Internet media outlets of “high journalistic quality” and is awarded on 14 April in Berlin. “Topical and pluralistic – here Europe talks with itself,” says the jury about Eurozine.

“Multiculturalism undermines the very opportunity that diversity offers: to enter into a dialogue about citizenship.” In the fifth debate in Eurozine’s series “Europe talks to Europe”, Kenan Malik and Fero Sebej discussed an issue back at the top of the European political agenda.

Challenges of freedom

International conference in Krakow

The conference “Challenges of freedom” takes place on 8 and 9 October in Krakow. The event, organized by Villa Decius in partnership with Eurozine, will discuss the essence of ideologies of liberation and the role of ethical values in initiating historical change.

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