Philip Manow

Professor of Political Science at the University of Bremen. Publications: Welfare Democracies and Party Politics (co-editor) 2018; (Ent-) Demokratisierung der Demokratie, Berlin 2020.


Cover for: Donald Trump: Democracy’s mirror image?

That modern liberal democracies can cancel themselves is an inevitable possibility. But to reduce politics to a battle between the defenders and the opponents of ‘true democracy’ is to turn pluralism into its opposite. 

Cover for: Then let’s dissolve the people…

Then let’s dissolve the people…

Populists vs the elite, the elite vs populists

The key feature of populism is said to be its claim to speak exclusively for the people. But by placing populism beyond the pale of respectable politics, this definition reinforces liberal prejudices, argues Philip Manow. More useful for forming a response to populism is to take into account ideological and geographic variance.

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