Elmar Altvater

is a German political scientist. In 1970, he co-founded the German journal “PROKLA – Journal for Critical Social Science” of which he remains an editor. In 1971 he became university professor in political economy at the Otto-Suhr-Institute of the Free University of Berlin. He retired in 2004, but continues to work at the Institute, and to publish articles and books. Apart from questions of development theory, the debt crisis, and the regulation of markets, he remains preoccupied with the effects of capitalist economies on the environment.


Cover for: Controlling the future

Controlling the future

Edward Snowden and the new era on Earth

The worldwide spying operation is about more than security and counter-terrorism; rather, it is a part of a broader strategy aimed at controlling global information, writes political scientist Elmar Altvater. Opposition needs to grasp the geological significance of the planetary data theft.

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