Tommi Laitio

works as project leader for Stranger Festival, a European youth video project by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF). He is responsible for the ECF’s youth and media activities. Laitio also works as a journalist for Finnish weeklies on documentary film, language of politics and television, and advises organisations like the British Council. (


Superlocal identities

The European in the youth experience

European youth culture no longer blindly follows the US template: rappers in Europe voice local concerns while simultaneously connecting to global trends. Meanwhile, two-way interests have developed between commercial brands and artists, leaving politics and the mainstream media, after years of indifference, with a lot of catching up to do. Youth culture contains the germ of the European ideal, writes Tommi Laitio: but more needs to be done at the public level to cultivate the conditions in which it can thrive.

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