Éva Karádi

is editor-in-chief of Magyar Lettre Internationale (Hungarian edition). She has been chair of the Hungarian National Committee of the European Cultural Foundation since 1998 and a coordinator of the “Central European Supplement” from 1994 onwards. She has organized many European and regional events, including, “Revolutions and Restorations” (1992); “Intellectuals between Morals and Politics” (1996); “Samizdat” (2000); and “Joining the Club: The Central-European countries in the period of the referenda” (2003). She is co-organizer of the annual European First Novel Festival at the Budapest International Book Festival. She has a PhD in philosophy and has taught philosophy at the Eotvos University, Budapest, since 1969.


Still tending our own gardens

A response to Samuel Abraham

Corruption continues to play a decisive role in the relationship between the state and its citizens. Éva Karádi, editor of Magyar Lettre Internationale, responds to Samual Abrahám’s warning that European stability is threatened by the type of illiberal politician gaining ground in the Visegrád Four nations.

Read in Journals

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