Juha Kaakinen

is Chief Executive Officer of Y-Foundation since 2013 (expert member of the Board of Y-Foundation 1986-2003), the biggest Finnish NGO acquiring flats from the private market for homeless people and providing social housing. Juha holds a Master of Arts from the University of Helsinki. From 2008-2012, he worked for the Finnish Ministry of Environment as program leader of the National Program to reduce long-term homelessness. He was also the Secretary of the working Group of ‘Wise People’ appointed by the Ministry of Housing to formulate the basic principles for the Homelessness Reduction Program.


Cover for: Everybody needs a home

Everybody needs a home

How Finland deals with homelessness

Instead of temporary solutions like shelters and hostels, Finland concentrates on providing permanent social housing to those in need. Although it requires significant investment, it’s always more cost-effective to end homelessness rather than trying to manage it. Also, it’s the right thing to do.

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