Rada Ivekovic

Philosopher, indologist, writer. Ivekovic left Zagreb, Croatia, where she had been Chair of Asian philosophies at the Philosophy Department of the local University, in 1991. She currently lives and works in Paris, University of Paris-8 (St. Denis), Department of Philosophy. Recent publications include: Orients: Critique de la raison postmoderne, Paris 1992; Benares. Ein Essay aus Indien, Graz 1993; La Croatie depuis l’effondrement de la Yougoslavie. L’opposition non-nationaliste (ed.), Paris 1994; Le sexe de la philosophie. Jean-François Lyotard et le féminin, Paris 1997; Autopsie des Balkans. Ein psycho-politischer Essay, Graz 2001; Transeuropeennes 19/20, 2001: special issue ed. by R. Ivekovic: “Partitions: Divided Countries, Separated Cities” (bilingual English/French).


Translation is a form of resistance, but also “the original mother tongue of humankind”. With a a broad interpretaion of the concept of translation, Rada Ivekovic looks at the principles, concepts and symbolic values of borders and boundaries.

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