Christian Iaione

is Associate Professor of Public Law at Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome, fellow of the Urban Law Center at Fordham University, and visiting professor at LUISS Guido Carli where he directs LabGov – Laboratory for the Governance of the Commons. He has participated as an expert in the EU Committee of the Regions, is a member of the Sharing Economy International Advisory Board of Seoul Metropolitan Government and e-advisor to several Italian local governments and institutions (Tuscany Region, City of Rome, City of Bologna, City of Reggio Emilia).


Cover for: The possibility of a co-city

In interview, Christian Iaione discusses the concept of the “co-city” – a city that is both cognitive and collaborative – which has been implemented in Bologna. Could this mark the beginning of a new era of urban co-governance? And what do the rise of bottom-up initiatives mean for the future of the welfare state?

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