Christa Hämmerle

Christa Hämmerle is extraordinary Professor of Modern History and Women’s and Gender History at the Department of History, University of Vienna, Austria. She is chief editor of “L’Homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft” and chair of the “Sammlung Frauennachlässe”, a large collection of women’s personal papers.


Cover for: ‘When is change not change?’

‘When is change not change?’

An interview with Margaret R. Higonnet on gender relations and the First World War

Did the two World Wars really trigger fundamental changes in the gender order and contribute to the emancipation of women, as is often claimed? Feminist literary critic and historian Margaret R. Higonnet tells Christa Hämmerle about the ‘double helix effect’ in gender relations during and after the First World War.

Read in Journals

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